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Webinar: Multiplexed Co-Detection of mRNAs and Proteins using RNAscope ISH with Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC)

Now Available On-Demand!

in situ detection of mRNA is a powerful method for the characterization of spatial gene expression patterns. Moreover, highly multiplexed tissue imaging technologies have recently become available, enabling the simultaneous detection of tens to hundreds of markers.

In this webinar, we introduce RNAscope™ ISH-based mRNA detection with Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) to detect up to 12 different mRNA molecules simultaneously with up to 30 protein markers in FFPE tissue sections. We also highlight some of the experimental considerations, technical validations and ultimately applications in cohorts of breast and melanoma cancers.


Daniel Schulz

Daniel Schulz, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, Dpt. of Quantitative Biology
University of Zurich

Multiplexed Co-Detection of mRNAs and Proteins using RNAscope ISH and Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC)

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