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Introduction to the RNAscope HiPlex Image Registration Software v2.0.

August 31, 2021 @ 10am PST | 1pm EST | 7pm CEST

Introduction to the RNAscope HiPlex Image Registration Software v2.0.

The RNAscope in situ hybridization (ISH) technology is a powerful method for detection of gene expression within the spatial and morphological tissue context at the single molecule level. The HiPlex assay allows for visualization of up to 12 targets in FFPE samples and up to 48 targets in both fixed frozen and fresh frozen samples. This webinar will focus on how to utilize the HiPlex Image Registration Software v2.0 to visualize and process 12-48 targets within a single tissue. The webinar will also introduce the new features and updates to the HiPlex Image Registration Software. A demonstration using QuPath software will guide users through analysis of HiPlex images and selection of the best method for quantification of images after registration with the HiPlex Image Registration Software.

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn how to register HiPlex images acquired in different rounds of imaging
  • Learn how to utilize the new features of the software for improved image visualization and autofluorescence reduction
  • Learn how to use QuPath for subsequent HiPlex image analysis

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